Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jewel Staite: What Nathan Fillion stole from the set of Firefly

Jewel posted on answering a few fan questions.
5. What kind of mementos have you stolen I mean forgot to give back from the shows you've worked on?
Now, listen. I'm an honest kind of girl. I've only taken the things that have been so graciously given to me.... by other people that have stolen them. Like Nathan Fillion. (The irony that he's playing a guy who helps cops right now is not lost on me.) I had some lovely things from Firefly, such as my "Kaylee's Room" door sign, my hammock from the engine room, some Alliance money, and one pink bra I swear I forgot to give back to the wardrobe department. Most of these things have since been given away to charity auctions, except for the bra. Because that would be weird. And also because I can't find it, and I'm scared to look in Nathan's underwear drawer. Sadly, nothing came back with me from Stargate: Atlantis, except for Paul, who's still on the couch. He says hi.


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