Thursday, February 11, 2010


I'm getting more and more frustrated at my MacBook! It started 2 days ago, I think, when I was trying to watch TV (probably Idol) and it gave me the "insufficient USB 2.0 bandwidth" error so I had to restart my MacBook. The restart was fine, didn't take too long and I was opening the applications as usual. But since then on, my MacBook's performance has been choppy at best. A lot of the application will stop responding so I have to force quit it. It happens so often that I decided to not run too many applications at once. And even when I was running only 2, and one of them was Mail, which didn't do much unless I get a new email, it still freezes up from time to time. I don't know what happened, and I just hope that this is only an "episode" that will resolve itself soon. I am pretty much stuck with this laptop for another 1.5 years because I told Mama and Didi that I'm going to keep this until I graduate from Rutgers. I'm not even running Adium anymore because whenever I do it freezes up and slows down the computer. That has never happened before! It used to be only web browsers, and very rarely too. Now it's everything and anything. Please, please, please be okay!

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