Okay, he just looked so damn cute in Ally McBeal. Maybe because he was 10 years younger than he is now. Or maybe the glasses that he wore. Or, most possibly, his character was just...cute... Can't really find another word for it.
But anyway, obviously my obsession doesn't just end there. Found a nice RDJ fansite, and basically downloaded any interview video they have there. I think he's funnier with time! He's been funny all along but now he's even more hilarious.
After all these years struggling with drug addiction and problems with authority, he finally got himself together. He seems madly in love with his wife, got clean and sober for a few years now, and got a bunch of really cool movies in the past few (and the next few) years. Iron Man made $200million in 2 weeks, Tropic Thunder earned him an Oscar nomination, and Sherlock Holmes got him a Golden Globe.
He's basically set for the next few years, too, with Iron Man 2 set to be released in May. The next installment of the series (of course it has to be a trilogy) is talked about for 2012. Because Sherlock Holmes was loved by so many people and got him an award there are talks about a sequel (or maybe a whole series?) And he still has a couple movies in between, which I would just love to watch.
He's so cute. I'm just hoping for May to come soon so Iron Man 2 would be out and we'll see RDJ around promoting the movie. And then he shall move on to his next project.
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