Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Half a day in SG

This would probably be the first and last time I fly business so I'm gonna enjoy it as much as possible. I felt kinda out of place though cos everyone around me actually looked like businessmen...

Di Juanda masuk ke lounge nya. I think that was the first time ever. Biasa aja sih. Penuh jd puter2 dulu cari tempat duduk. Abis gitu naruh barang2, liat kanan kiri ada org mencurigakan yang keliatan bakal nyuri barang2ku ga, trus jalan2 liat makanan... Ga ada yang menarik blas! Akirnya cm ngambil minum mumpung lg haus. Cuma bentar di lounge nya, kira2 15-20mnt kemudian dah boarding soalnya. Aneh banget wkt liat boarding pass seat nya 1A. Duduk depan dw gitu. Sblhku bapak2 Chinese gitu jas2an...

Got to Changi at around 1pm local time. As always, I love this place! Even though it's just an airport, I could stay here all day and enjoy myself (I'm actually loving the fast internet right now lol). Looked around the place a little bit, then tried to find my way to the SQ lounge. It's a pretty big airport and I went the wrong way first so I had to go to the other side... When I got there, they told me that I might want to go to their lounge at terminal 3 (where I'm gonna be boarding later) so I did. Took me a while to go there. It was really cool though. The food looked really good. But I just had my food on the plane so I didn't take anything. They have a shower in the bathroom that I might try later (kringeten ga karuan td jln2 di Orchard). Will be there for a couple hours after this.

Abis nitipin barang2, naek MRT ke Orchard. Pertama lgs kliatan mall baru tuh Ion. Bagus tempatnya... Ada toko (I think it was UNIQLO) jual blazer lmyn bagus harganya SGD70. Tapi daripada uang diabisin saat itu jg mending jalan2 liat2 yg laen. Lagian rencana di SG shopping mo beli CD2. Ya puter2 gitu cari CD. Abis dr Ion ke Wisma Atria, Heeren, Paragon, Takashimaya. CAPEK BANGEEET! Dah gitu di luar panas e g karuan g ngapa2in ae kringeten. Dinner di MOS Burger, kuputuskan balek k Changi. I spent like USD70+ on CDs! lol

Gonna find my way to where I left my baggage and then back to the lounge. Liat2 deh klo mendukung mo mandi dulu n noto2 barang blanjaan ini mskin koper... Hopefully I'd enjoy my flight to JFK since I'm gonna get a pretty good seat.

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