Sunday, April 3, 2011

Google interview

[Google NY reception]
So I had my interview at Google NYC yesterday. I was incredibly nervous! I mean... It is Google! It's a huge opportunity and I couldn't even believe that I actually got through the two phone screens and was invited for the on-site interview! I couldn't even believe they contacted me for the initial phone screen! Back to the interview itself...

Obviously, I was very nervous. I hate being nervous for interviews. First of all, nervousness is not the most pleasant feeling. Also, if I'm nervous, I won't be able to think as clearly and I won't be able to articulate my though process as well, which is bad in interviews, and in turn makes me even more nervous!

The on-site interview consisted of four one-on-one technical interviews and a lunch with different software engineers. I also met with the recruiter who had scheduled the phone screens and on-site interview. It was a whole day process, from 10.30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Google's New York office.

I got there and signed in at the reception, got these badges that allowed me to actually be in their office:
[Top: from building's lobby. Bottom: from Google's reception.]

Then I met with Rita, who was the recruiter I was in contact with. She was wearing a Rutgers hoodie (her husband is a Rutgers alumni) and it caught my attention. She told me what my schedule looked like for the day. It was great because it took my mind off the fact that it was an *extremely* important technical interview and it calmed my nerves a little bit.

I was still nervous during the first interview so I was a little stuck at first. But overall, I thought I did well. All fours interviewers were nice and helpful and gave me hints along the way. Can't say what the questions were because they asked me not to (and I signed an NDA) but it was pretty much what I expected: data structures and algorithm problems, coding on the board while explaining my though process, then analyze it. The Systems Design problem was more challenging because that is not something that I've learned, but he just wanted me to tell him what I thought and I felt good about my answers. The lunch was also great. The cafetaria was really nice (and crowded) and the food looked and tasted great! I had lunch with a software engineer whose name is also Daphne and she told me that working at Google is a lot of fun.

I really want this job now! The office look great. Love the micro-kitchens and the game room and the Legos and the scooters. It's Google! Any Computer Scientist would love to work there! I was told that I would hear back by next Friday (or the next Monday) and I am keeping my fingers crossed!

I have the Amazon interview in Seattle on Friday and I really hope I do well on that one, too! Thank you, God, for the opportunities! I still can't believe I got to last round of interviews with these two huge companies!


  1. I am in a similar boat now.

    1) Did you get it finally?
    2) How long did they take to get back to you after the onsite interview?

  2. No, I didn't get it. They got back to me within a week, but it might be because I had a deadline for another offer. The recruiter who's in contact with you should be able to tell you how long it'll take until they make a decision.

    Good luck to you! Hope you get the job. :)

  3. thank you daphne,

    My interview was on last Monday. The recruiter said it would take a week's time for the decision.

    fingers crossed.
