Sunday, December 18, 2011

My latest celeb crush: David Tennant

Screen cap. I mean, look at this guy!
I don't know why it took me this long to finally get into Doctor Who and discover David Tennant. I'm currently halfway through season 3 (or series 3, as they're called in Britain), and I'm actually a little bit torn between wanting to not stop watching the episodes and not wanting to see David Tennant regenerate. I only have 1.5 seasons left of DT and I don't want it to ever end!

The glasses... unf...

Here's the thing about David Tennant (apart from the accent and the fact that he has a TARDIS and the sonic screwdriver). Whenever I'm asked if I had a "type" I would usually say no. But if I'm really honest, this guy is probably it. He's tall, on the skinny side, dark haired, looks amazing in a suit, looks even better with glasses, hilarious, and oh so freaking adorable with that boyish charm (also, he's 40). Plus, you can kinda see that he could have been that geeky, awkward kid earlier in his life.

Also, sometimes, he kinda looks like Andrew Garfield.

I haven't seen any of Matt Smith's episodes yet but a lot of people seem to think that he's the best Doctor. And right now, I can't even imagine how anyone would be a better Doctor than him.

Christopher Eccleston was my first Doctor, which took me by surprise because he really wasn't what I pictured the Doctor to be. He was still good and the show was highly entertaining but it just didn't click with me. And then the first season (series) ended and D.T. showed up and that's when I got hooked. I really, really don't want to see Tennant regenerate.

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