Saturday, May 16, 2009

some AC love

So here's a post about my latest obsession, Mr. Anderson Hays Cooper. I actually watch the news now because of him! AC360 is on at 10pm on weekdays on CNN lol... 

March 7, 2008 Anderson Cooper had a lecture at University of Arkansas. Here I have some quotes that I just love. (taken from ATA)

"My mom was never the person I went to for advice as a kid. She's amazing, but practical she is not. I asked my mom for advice on what I should do when I was going to apply for a job as a waiter in high school. She told me to wear vertical stripes because they're slimming." He waits for the audience to catch up...he's wearing a pinstripe suit..."Obviously I took some of her advice to heart without realizing it."
AC talked about how when he first started at CNN he was horrible at morning news, but rather than firing him they just one day told him he was going to Afghanistan but when he got there he was alone. No crew, no story to chase...they just told him to wait...people didn't answer his calls, until one day he called his office to check his messages and some other anchor answered his phone and he realized he'd been replaced. That, he said, was the real reason he didn't like to take days off, he was afraid they'd replace him and no one would bother to tell him. He said "The only scary thing about leaving the anchor seat is worrying that somebody better is going to replace you while you're gone."
When asked about the most exciting thing he'd ever done, he said, "Getting shot at is pretty's hard to find excitement at home after all that."

He's just so hot with those blue eyes and THE HAIR!!! LOOOVE the hair! He's very charming, polite, and such a gentleman! He's so freaking smart and funny and cute and just adorable!! Yes, he's only 1-2 years younger than my parents but who cares?!

[gonna start posting about AC and keeping some pictures of him... why didn't I start earlier?!]

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