Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Learning vs. Studying

I'm a big fan of learning. I love it. There are just so many interesting things that we can learn at any moment in our lives. That's why I'm so quiet, I think. Well that, and the fact that I'm incredibly (and stupidly) shy and self-conscious. Do you know how much you can learn just by listening and observing? What can I say, I'm a lurker by heart.

On the other hand, studying, not loving it as much. As many of my friends would attest, I really can't be much lazier. I just hate studying.

What's the difference between learning and studying? Well in my opinion, studying is the act of searching for information that you can learn. You know, as in sitting there reading textbooks for an exam. While learning is simply the passive act of acquiring said information. Like sitting there listening to someone talking and you learn lots of things about that person. Or I guess whatever/whoever the person's talking about.

So, yeah, love learning, hate studying. I'm just that lazy.

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