Thursday, May 29, 2008


I've read a couple articles online about how David Cook won American Idol but Archie might win it for the long run. To the authors of those articles, DC WON, GET OVER IT!! Saying that DC doesn't have a long career ahead of him and how Archie is more genuine and all that shit, did you even watch the show?! Cook is definitely NOT cocky. Maybe just a little but not to a point where he should just get off the face of the earth. I believe every person has to have a little bit of cockiness, that's called pride in themselves. Everyone who's a star is proud of himself.. There's even an article saying Archie has more fans, especially girls. American Idol is based on voting, which means based on how many fans each contestant has. Archie gets the votes of 12 year old girls who have nothing better to do with their phones but vote, and in the end DC won it, by 12 million nonetheless!!! Just because DC sings more rock songs doesn't mean that girls won't be fans of his. Where did you get that "theory"?! Shit! I've only read 2 articles and I'm this pissed already.. JUST STOP WRITING STUPID ARTICLES!

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