I went to the New York Comic Con yesterday and it was amazing! We weren't there long. Arrived at around 2 p.m. and left by 8.30 p.m. because we were tired. Sleeping more than 3 hours the previous night would have helped. But it doesn't matter; it was so freaking exciting just to be there!
Walking out of Port Authority in New York City, I already felt it. You'd see A LOT of people wearing graphic t-shirts, mostly of superheroes, and with their Comic Con passes around their necks. I got excited just seeing that.
Once we got to the venue though, the first thing I noticed was how crowded it was. The second thing was, all the cosplayers, and how amazing their costumes were! I should have taken pictures. These people are just awesome. I was too scared to drain my iPhone's battery that I kept it in my pocket most of the time. And now I'm regretting it. Anyways...
I know I'm not the biggest comic books/anime/video games fan, and I wish I was, but it was such an amazing atmosphere that I just loved being there. Walked around the booths, and then went to the autographing tables where we met Jewel Staite, Felicia Day and Sandeep Parikh. :)