Saturday, January 22, 2011

10 Best Hollywood Movie Trailers 2010

The 10 best Hollywood movie trailers 2010 sent all of us rushing to the theaters in a hurry. But only a few of the movies really lived up to the awesomeness shown in the trailers. The others had their funny parts, but some were just plain duds. Nonetheless, 2010 was a great year for movies, so here’s to reliving the best 2010 movie trailers of the year.

  1. "Cowboys and Aliens": Who’d have thought a movie with such a ridiculous name would render a great trailer featuring Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig? It must have something to do with the much-improved CGI since Star Wars.     
  2. "Due Date": Fans of "The Hangover" went ga-ga over the "Due Date" trailer if for no other reason than Robert Downey, Jr.’s deadpan humor carried over from "Iron Man 2". Zach Galifianakis does wonders for the trailer, too, especially considering that his tubbiness does half the talking (and acting) for him.
  3. "Iron Man 2": Anything Robert Downey, Jr. appears in seems to be a hit. The most memorable line from one of the best Hollywood movie trailers 2010? “Pepper, I want one.” Referring, of course, to Scarlett Johansson’s character, Black Widow.
  4. "The Town": Ben Affleck and Jeremy Renner look especially menacing in their Grim-Reaper-slash-Catholic-nun costumes as they hold up bank after bank with machine guns. Jeremy seems especially criminal in the trailer, with his cropped hair, snarky smirk and down-to-business attitude.
  5. "Robin Hood": Russell Crowe’s Dark Ages grimace is forever set in stone in the prequel to Robin Hood’s outlaw life. As he pulls back the string of his bow, his arrow zings straight into camera focus, making it look like you, his faithful fan, were really his target all along.
  6. "Grown Ups": "Grown Ups" has to be one of the best Hollywood movie trailers 2010. After all, who can resist watching Adam Sandler and his buddies taking a leak in the pool? Except you wouldn’t have known that’s what they were doing if it weren’t for the telltale blue dye. Yep, you didn’t see that coming. That’ll teach you to think twice about peeing in the pool next time you go for a swim.
  7. "Despicable Me": You’d have thought Steve Carell’s character really would have carried the movie, at least according to this best Hollywood movie trailer 2010. But alas, the plot was painfully lacking and the only memorable quote was “Light…bulb” in an artificial Russian accent.
  8. "The Other Guys": You knew something was amuck when you saw one of the best Hollywood movie trailers 2010 featuring Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell. What you didn’t know was that you’d be spending 20 minutes of the movie listening to Will Ferrell singing with Eva Mendes or some tone-def dudes at a bar. It was painful.
  9. "The Expendables": Sylvester Stallone’s high octane action flick definitely goes down in history as one of the best Hollywood movie trailers 2010. With an awesome background song, “Diamond Eyes,” (courtesy of Shinedown), this trailer produced all the humor and violence required to send 80’s action fans to the theaters to see a bunch of muscle and weapons all in one place.
  10. "Red": Who’d have thought Bruce Willis would come through twice in one year? First, "The Expendables", where he only had a bit part, then "Red". The movie at least lived up to the hype given in the trailer, which was refreshing considering some of the other 2010 trailer duds.
Copy pasted from here.

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