It was unmemorable, I think. I mean, it's definitely nothing compared to my previous year. The most significant thing is that this is the first calendar year that I didn't meet my family at all. I haven't been home to Indonesia since summer 2010 and my family was here summer 2011. I really, really miss them!
Entertainment wise, I thought it was a very Whedon year for me. Started with The Cabin in the Woods in April, The Avengers in May, and I also watched the entirety of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. It was also Firefly's 20th anniversary, and I attended their special panel/screening at NYCC.
I've started reading books again at the end of last year. I started with Richard Castle's Nikki Heat series, and ended with Stieg Larsson's Millennium series. I am trying to read more -- I guess I can call it my new year's resolution -- and watch less TV/movies. I've started a movie/book list so I can keep track of how many I've watched and read, and see at the end of the year my watch/read ratio. I also want to write more. Hopefully I can continue posting to my blogs and to add to that, I might start writing book and movie reports for everything that I read and watch. Not sure how well that goes though since I'd probably end up not reading any books because I'd be too lazy to write the report.
In any case, looking forward to (hopefully) an exciting 2013!