Saturday, January 14, 2012

Nathan loves Community :)

After what happened on my last post, Nathan Fillion showed more Community love from his Twitter account. Nathan's actually doing more promotion for the show than NBC itself! And I just LOVE it when my fandoms collide.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Understanding Doctor Who is HARD!

Even with these "visual aids" (under the cut due to extremely large pictures)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Why I love graphic tees

[My 7th teefury shirt]
Starbucks barista: "Oh my god, you have a TARDIS on your shirt!"
Me: "Yes I do!"

We proceeded to have a short conversation about Doctor Who and t-shirts. I ordered a cafe latte with extra shot and he said, "I'll give you the extra shot for free because you like Doctor Who." Whovians and graphic tees are awesome!

And if I remember correctly, I was at the same Starbucks (different barista, though), where I got a free upsize of my caramel macchiato for wearing a Smurfs tee.

I know I've been saying that I need to stop buying graphic tees for years now but these little things make me happy. :]

Because he's that awesome

Monday, January 2, 2012

Gah... (another random post; ignore me)

Back when I was in high school/college I kept saying that I couldn't wait til I "grow up" and start working and start dressing up like a grown woman. But now that I'm working and have to wear appropriate office attire, I really miss the days where I can just wear t-shirt, jeans, hoodie, and sneakers all the time!

PS – I need to get more hoodies and sneakers. And maybe some work clothes too; I've been rotating like 8 tops with 2 jeans/tights. And new boots/shoes. I just need to go shopping.